




Reply to Is there a way to detect in SwiftUI when Accessibilities Voice Over is on?
Found it!. But the explanation is not so tricky. Simply put the answer is Yes in SwiftUI to directly detect if voice over is on use:      if UIAccessibility.isVoiceOverRunning {} I tried this to find it and read another post from @OOPer, Thanks 1) if isVoiceOverRunning {}. not in scope error 2) if Accessibility.isVoiceOverRunning {}. Accessibility has no member "isVoiceOverRunning" 3) if UIAccessibility.isVoiceOverRunning(). Sweet success. I re-discovered it. Yeepee. 😀 I was missing the UI of UIAccessibility. and Quick help was not helping me and @OOPer did.
Dec ’20
Reply to How to code, in SwiftUI, for Notifications
Whoa! that is simply amazing to me!!. I am searching but would have much difficulty finding your response. Big thanks. I will study it. Your response needs to be in the Quick Help guide built in to Xcode. But Quick Help offers some little help instead. I also found in Swift UIkit the variable static var isVoiceOverRunning: Bool {get} but first try at coding it failed so more study is in order.
Dec ’20